Over New Year, with a few friends, we agreed to the challenge of seeing how much we can reduce our plastic usage by.
As well as the environmental benefits, we are interested to see how it will change our diets, our food bill and discover what are the plastic items we can't live without (cheese = yum, but also = packaging). It is easy to be cynical about people's efforts to reduce their environmental impact (like the fact I paddle a big plastic thing for work) but lots of small changes add up to a big one and by sharing my experiences, I hope to help others reduce their plastic waste as well.
It is very early days but here are a few of the changes we have made so far...
Bees wax wraps to carry snacks and sandwiches
Making our own hill snacks
Bulk buy staple foods from Highland Wholefoods in compostable packaging
Purchasing loose veg from Morrisons
Making oat milk and getting cows milk delivered in bottles
Using Who Gives a Crap toilet paper
We are very much new comers to this and I'm sure that many of you will have some tricks and tips to share. There are many things that we haven't found solutions for yet such as outdoor equipment, cleaning products and the dreaded Lateral Flow Tests! It would be great to hear any ideas or advice you have by either dropping us a message or leaving a comment below. Any help is much appreciated :) Thanks in advance,