Advanced White Water Safety
Scotland wide
April 19th-20th
2 days
Learn how to plan and run a safe river trip with mates on grade 3(4) water. Our philosophy is 'SAFETY and rescue', with a big focus on making the right decisions to prevent you having to dig into your rescue toolkit. That being said, knowing how to deal with incidents can allow you to have a safer and more enjoyable time on the water.

Keep you and your mates safe on the river

Course Content

We think that every advanced white water kayaker should do this course, but we would! We draw upon years of experience, paddling all over the world, to teach you how to prevent stuff going wrong and how to fix the inevitable.
This course follows a syllabus but emphasis can be placed in different areas depending on your experience and interests. We will look at...
- Motivations for paddling
- Running safe river trips
- Emergency procedures
- Rescuing Equipment
- Rescuing Swimmers
- Managing people and kit on steep ground
- Decision making
- Rescuing stuck people and kit
- Incident Management
- Scenarios to reinforce learning
More information about the course can be found at the link below.

- Confident paddling grade 3-4 white water
- Confident swimming in white water
- Aged 18+ or be accompanied by a parent or guardian
Your Instructor/s
Jonny Hawkins
Jonny has a passion for adventuring in the outdoors and loves helping others to work towards their goals and expand possibilities. He prides himself on his relaxed, friendly approach and teaching the most up-to-date information in a safe and supportive manner.